Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To Love Their Husband Tuesdays

So, I have decided to join in on the To Love Their Husband Tuesdays. This is basically where I am challenged to go out of my way to show my husband that I love him and chat about it. I think I want to personally go beyond loving my husband and come up with more ways to show how much I honor and respect him since that is basically speaking love to men.

First off, I want to say how awesome my husband is. Just yesterday, he worked for a LONG time to help me redesign my blog. He was very patient with me and made my header just like I wanted! I was very surprised to discover how much he knows about blog design-but then again he never ceases to amaze me. That man can 100% do anything he puts his mind to, and do it well. I do not think there is anything he cannot do and for that I am proud! Not to mention how lucky I am to have such a handy hubby.

In saying that, I have two challenges that I want to begin to work on. First, I want to be proactive in noticing when my husband does these things and make sure to thank him and give recognition of his hard work. Sometimes I can be so critical because honestly, I set high standards for everyone I know (trust me I'm working on it) but he does not deserve it. My second challenge is that I want to pray for him more. Although he is the person I pray for the most, I certainly do not do it enough. So there is my second challenge responsibility.

I can't wait to work on being a better wife!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Embracing Accusations

"The father of lies coming to steal kill and destroy all my hopes of being good enough
I hear him saying cursed are the ones who can’t abide. He’s right. Alleluia he’s right!
The devil is preaching the song of the redeemed, that I am cursed and gone astray.
I cannot gain salvation. Embracing accusation.
Could the father of lies be telling the truth of God to me tonight?

If the penalty of sin is death then death is mine.
I hear him saying cursed are the ones who can’t abide, he’s right. Alleluia he’s right!
Oh the devil’s singing over me an age old song that I am cursed and gone astray.
Singing the first verse so conveniently

He’s forgotten the refrain

You have to listen to this song by Shane and Shane. I could not stop crying as I watched them perform it this past Thursday at CSU because it so spoke to my heart. I realize that I have strayed from the message that I am saved by Jesus’ blood. Instead, I act like my relationship with God is dependent on my performance. If I am not keeping disciplined in my quiet times, prayers, etc then I feel like I start praying and think that I am not worthy of talking to God, that He does not want to hear what I have to say, and that I deserve nothing. I feel guilty to ask anything of Him. Something in the back of my mind tells me that I am not good enough. Or maybe if I did better then God would love me more and things would come out better. This song took me back to remember that it does not matter what I do or who I am. Jesus did not die to save people who were perfectly obedient, otherwise His blood would have been wasted. Ultimately, I really do not deserve to be loved and blessed, but I am because my God saves. No matter what I have done and what I do, I will forever be saved.

Because the sinless Savior died my sinful soul is counted free.
For God, the Just, is satisfied, to look on Him and pardon me.

Thank you Jesus

Friday, April 23, 2010

Excuse my nerdiness

Before you even begin to read this, I want to make a disclaimer: I am a nerd, a total nerd! I love school, I love to read, love research, and honestly and thankfully, learning comes easy to me. So in saying that, I understand my perspective on the topic I am about to discuss might be different from many! So bear with me if your opinion is different and tell me all about it in your comments!

This last year of undergraduate school has made me think a lot. Mostly, I think about my future career and what my undergraduate education has done to contribute to this. As I reflect back, I remember the days of researching who the easy professors were and which classes were the easiest. If you wait until class sign ups come around, then you will see all of the students asking each other these same questions. This year, my perspective on this changed completely. For some reason I became annoyed at hearing fellow classmates grumble about difficult classes. It is like something finally clicked in my brain! I realized that one day I am going to have other people’s lives in my hands, which is a huge responsibility! If I desire to be a professional one day then what is an easy education going to do for me? It might make the classes easier and decrease my stress level for the time being, but what about my future? Let’s be honest here, you do not expect to obtain a high level of education when you go for the easy classes. It is basically quick input into your brain until you can flush it all out after the test.

I just do not get this anymore and I wish someone would have told me earlier. Now I am not advocating for taking the hardest professors and class load every semester. I just recommend that you do not skimp out on taking classes that will challenge you-especially in your area of interest. The real world is not going to be easy and as you become a professional, people set standards and expectations and do not allow for excuses-the responsibility falls on you.

So my advice is do not take the easy track. You will either never remember what you learned or totally be unprepared for your future. I have not even mentioned the fact that you or someone is paying for this education you are receiving! When you add that in to the equation, it is a different ball game. I know I would never buy a 200 piece puzzle for $500. That is a lot of money being wasted on something that is way too easy. Do not be afraid to be challenged—you will be amazed at your potential. The result will be gratifying knowing that you tried your hardest, pushed yourself, and truly earned that degree.

I will earn that degree on May 8th at 10:00! In August, I will be starting graduate school at the University of South Carolina to earn my Masters in Social Work. I am so thankful to have learned this lesson before moving on to the next level of schooling. I know it is going to be hard, but I cannot wait!

Thank you to Dr. Sinisi, Dr. Walker, Dr. Sharpe, Dr. Adkinson, Dr. Naylor, Dr. Bower, Dr. Miller, and Professor Dillon for challenging me and making me think--I appreciate it now more than ever. Thank you for setting high expectations and encouraging students to perform at higher standards. You guys are awesome!