Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Feeling Good

Okay so the beginning of this is going to sound a little mushy, but I have to share it in order for this post to make sense! The other night, James gave me one of those movie kisses. You know, where the guy touches your face ever so tenderly, stares deep in your eyes, and lays a big one on you. It is amazing how something so simple sent chills down my spine, made me feel all nervous, and felt like I was kissing him for the first time. Somehow, this later got me thinking about other things that really make me feel good and I started making a list:

{one} When you start to sweat because you are working out hard. I realized this as I was drenched doing zumba. I did not feel gross, I felt strong, lean, and like I was working hard.

{two} Stretching. This is something I have started to do, especially while watching So You Think You Can Dance! I feel so rejuvenated and love my body more.

{three} Crying. I know this totally does not make sense to the male population, but sometimes crying just makes you feel better. It can solve problems on its own!

{four} Checking items off of to-do lists. Man this creates a sense of accomplishment like none other. Especially for avid to-do listers like myself.

{five} When you have a good hair, face, and outfit day all in one day. Since we can be quite fickle and insecure at times, it is great to have days when you feel...pretty!

{six} Achieving recognition. For whatever it may be. Recently I have had multiple people tell me I have great posture. Thanks, I have been working on it really hard (Dr. Miller's orders!)

{seven} Cooking a new successful meal. I love to see James' face as he bites into something I made that he loves and even sometimes requests me to make it the next day. I did not learn how to cook growing up so it is very exciting!

I'm sure I could list a hundred more! What makes you feel good?

1 comment:

  1. You are so good at lists!! :) Melissa and I were just reading over your date idea list a couple weeks ago haha. This one is an especially good one!


Reading your comments makes me smile real big :)