Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm a Chipped Teapot, Short and ....

I decided yesterday that I would go to the chiropractor after needing to for quite some time. Here is my history of injuries building up to this point: 1. Landed on my head in a soccer game in high school which ended in a concussion. 2. Wiped out while wakeboarding in high school. 3. Hit my head while snowboarding in February 2009 ending in another concussion. Not to mention getting punched in the jaw two times while playing sports.

My chiropractor looked a little surprised but said at least I have fun stories to back up my pain. Today I met with her to discuss my x-rays and start treatment. I was told that my jaw is crooked (which explains the TMJ), I have loss in my neck curve, there are some muscular issues, and I have a degenerative bone disease in my spine/neck. Yep, like how I just tossed that in there?!

Really it sounds worse then it is. Also, it only came because of the sports injuries, not because I have had this disease. The good news is that she can stop it from getting worse! I would explain the details, but medical talk is no fun. Googling or WebMding illnesses is typically never a good idea-but not too far off in this case in you are interested.

My chiropractor banned me from extreme sports in a roundabout way (along with James). She said that I am lucky to be alive and surprised I have not been paralyzed. Really I say all of this because I think God might want me to be here! I am not sure exactly why and always am searching for my purpose. I think it is probably a good time to start figuring that purpose out more. Since I started dating James, his father has called me a chipped teapot due to my multiple injuries and clumsiness! I guess he was not too far off, but I am thankful that God has not allowed me to crack yet!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

Are there ever times in your life where you are crazy busy but you aren't sure what you have been doing? That is completely how I feel right now! I have not blogged in forever and I have probably had time, but something has kept me busy.

Since last blogging, I have gotten highlights and glasses, graduated from Charleston Southern, revamped our office at home, and gotten into the Masters of Social Work program at the University of South Carolina. I also got some awesome new tennis shoes (one pair for running and one for training) and my body is really hating me right now (lunges after running a few miles = no good). I even contemplated getting the Reebok “booty shoes”. So yes, there are some silly things mixed in with important milestones, but it is all awesome to me!

Mostly what is keeping us busy around here is my very talented husband and his sweet photography skills. We have been booked every weekend, which means there is editing to be done during the week after a full work day. I am so loving learning more about my camera and have now moved on to learning editing software.

So that is what I have been up to! Next time I blog, I will share some of the pictures from a few of our shoots so I can have proof of my reason for absence. I also have some yummy recipes to share! Here are a few from some recent events: