Last night, James and I had to stay home from our Bible study due to our sicky-ness. We decided to have soup for dinner and watch Couples Retreat. The movie in all was not too bad but it somehow managed to teach me a valuable lesson! At a point in the movie, the men start calling each other out on their marriages. It started with someone offending another and then they would say things such as "Well you do ____ to your wife, how do you think that makes her feel?" You could just see the a-ha moment when the husband realized what he was doing (of course he quickly retorted and called that man out!)
This made me realize that I do not have anyone who does that! Not only in the context of my marriage but life in general. Bluntly stated, I want a friend who will call me out on my crap! It is easier said than done because it truly requires effort on both sides! It is hard to find someone who has time these days as many of my friends are in school, newly married, or just crazy busy (as I am myself). But it is important to make time for friendships especially purposeful friendships! Now don't get me wrong, I have my gals who I love love love. I just believe relationships were created to do so much more than what I am previously doing with mine.
Yes this requires some effort, honesty, and getting over yourself--but I am willing! Maybe it is because I am in this odd transition from graduating college to getting into the real world which can take a toll on friendships. I guess I am just wanting to find those friends that I will have for a lifetime who can encourage me to be a better person, follower of Christ, wife, and one day mother. I not only desire to find those types of relationships (and modify my current ones) but I want to be that kind of friend for someone, too. This is something I have been thinking about for a while, but I am just realizing how important this really is to my heart. I am hoping and praying to find this: as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17).
Here is a picture for you to laugh at my sicky-ness:

Hi friend! I love your topic. I too want to be more consistent when it comes to my friendship. And that especially means my relationship with you. It's so hard align our schedules but I know it's so important because your my bestie and I want to hear about your life and call you on your crap. I'm going to do better only cause I love you. haha. I am so glad your blogging now. love you. :)