Tuesday, March 16, 2010

In front of the camera!!!

James and I got to go to the best party a few weeks ago hosted by Richard Bell Photography. They rented out the top floors of Southend Brewery and invited friends, previous clients, and future clients to come out and eat food, have lots of fun, and get pictures taken all for free! They had different settings such as natural light from the windows, backdrops, costumes, and walks throughout downtown. James and I got pictures taken in all of these except the costumes (we are kind of germaphobes!) Here they are:

Since we are venturing into starting a photography business, we have been taken so many pictures of other people! James often takes pictures of me (all the time!) and we go out shooting all the time. It was kind of fun to be in front of the camera and get pictures taken with my man! Thank you Nathan, Wanda, Valerie, and Mell-you guys are awesome!

And if you are curious, you can view some of James' work on his blog @ jamesrileyphotograph.com/wordpress


  1. I love these! And it's about time somebody started taking pictures of you two. You guys are usually the one always taking them....Love the post!


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